Geoscience Reference
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We also need to reduce the size of the array by a factor of 10 because most
VRML clients limit the number of vertices in a VRML i le. You can run an
experiment with a larger number of vertices and see whether it works with
your VRML sot ware.
LON = LON(1:10:end,1:10:end);
LAT = LAT(1:10:end,1:10:end);
SRTM = SRTM(1:10:end,1:10:end);
We also eliminate the edges of the data set, as these may cause problems
when writing the VRML i les.
LON = LON(2:end-1,2:end-1);
LAT = LAT(2:end-1,2:end-1);
SRTM = SRTM(2:end-1,2:end-1);
3D graphics can be generated from the elevation data using the function
trimesh following Delaunay triangulation of the data set using delaunay .
tri = delaunay(LON,LAT);
axis([35.5 37.5 -1.5 0.5 -500 4500]), axis off
Next, we determine the size of the array SRTM and reshape the 119-by-119
array SRTM to a n -by-1 array, where n=xdim*ydim=14161 .
[xdim ydim] = size(SRTM);
We then determine the range of the z -values and dei ne the spacing in x and
y directions.
zrange = range(SRTM);
xspace = 10;
yspace = 10;
We again use the colormap demcmap to display the SRTM data set.
cmap = demcmap(SRTM,256);
Alternatively, we can use any other colormap, even one that we have created
ourselves, to display the digital terrain model. We then normalize the
elevation data to the [1,length(cmap)] range.
cmap = cmap(round((SRTM-min(SRTM)) ...
h e Simulink 3D Animation User's Guide (MathWorks 2014b) contains a
great introduction in its chapter Interact with Virtual Reality Worlds , which
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