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updated for each individual data point, these i lters are even used in real-time
applications such as telecommunication systems. We examine this behavior
through an example in which the signal-to-noise ratio in the middle of the
time series ( x =500) is reduced from about 10% to zero.
x = 0 : 0.1 : 100; x = x';
y = sin(x);
yn1 = y + 0.5*randn(size(y));
yn2 = y + 0.5*randn(size(y));
yn1(501:1001) = y(501:1001);
yn2(501:1001) = y(501:1001);
h e value of u is again computed by
k = kron(yn1,yn1');
u = 1/max(eig(k))
which yields
u =
We now run the adaptive i lter canc for 20 iterations and use the above value
of u .
[z,e,mer,w] = canc(yn1,yn2,0.0016,5,20);
h e plot of the mean-squared error mer versus the number of performed
iterations it with stepsize u
illustrates the performance of the adaptive i lter, although the chosen step
size u=0.0016 clearly results in a relatively rapid convergence. Again, we can
now compare the i lter output with the original noise-free signal.
h is plot shows that the i lter output y is almost the same as the noise-free
signal x . h e plot
shows the noise extracted from the signal. Here we can observe some signal
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