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Fig. 6.7 Output of the adaptive i lter. a h e duplicate records corrupted by uncorrelated
noise are fed into the adaptive i lter with 5 weights with a convergence factor of 0.0019. At er
20 iterations, the i lter yields b the learning curve, c the noise-free record, and d the noise
extracted from the duplicate records.
and yn1' ), and eig returns the eigenvector of k . h is yields
u =
We now run the adaptive i lter canc for 20 iterations and use the above value
of u .
[z,e,mer,w] = canc(yn1,yn2,0.0019,5,20);
h e output variables from canc are the i ltered primary signal z , the extracted
noise e , the mean-squared error mer for the number of iterations it performed
with stepsize u , and the i lter weights w for each data point in yn1 and yn2 . h e
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