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conv without using same , the function filter yields an output vector with the
same length as the input vector. Unfortunately, the function filter assumes
that the i lter is causal. h e i lter weights are indexed n , n -1, n -2 and so on,
and therefore no future elements of the input vector, such as x ( n +1), x( n +2)
etc. are needed to compute the output y ( n ). h is is of great importance in
electrical engineering, the classic i eld of MATLAB application, where i lters
are ot en applied in real time. In earth sciences, however, the entire signal is,
in most applications, available at the time of processing the data. h e data
series is i ltered by
y4 = filter(b3,1,x3);
and the phase correction is then carried out using
y4 = y4(1+(m3-1)/2:end-(m3-1)/2,1);
y4(end+1:end+m3-1,1) = zeros(m3-1,1);
which works only for an odd number of i lter weights. h is command simply
shit s the output by (m-1)/3 towards the lower end of the t -axis, and then
i lls the data to the end with zeros. Comparing the ends of both outputs
illustrates the ef ect of this correction, where
ans =
ans =
h is was the lower end of the output. We can see that both vectors y3 and y4
contain the same elements. We now explore the upper end of the data vector,
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