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where b denotes the position (translation) and a (>0) the scale (dilation) of
the wavelet (Lau and Weng 1995). h e wavelet transform of the signal y ( t )
about the mother wavelet ˈ( t ) is dei ned as the convolution integral
where ˈ* is the complex conjugate of ˈ. h ere are many mother wavelets
available in the literature, such as the classic Haar wavelet, the Morlet wavelet,
or the Daubechies wavelet. h e most popular wavelet in geosciences is the
Morlet wavelet introduced by French geophysicist Jean Morlet (1931-2007),
which is dei ned by
where ʷ is the time and ˉ 0 is the wave number (Torrence and Compo
1998). h e wave number is the number of oscillations within the wavelet
itself. We can easily compute a discrete version of the Morlet wavelet wave
by translating the above equation into MATLAB code, where eta is the non-
dimensional time and w0 is the wave number. Changing w0 produces wavelets
with dif erent wave numbers. Note that it is important not to use i for index
in for loops, since it is used here for imaginary unit (Fig. 5.15).
eta = -10 : 0.1 : 10;
w0 = 6;
wave = pi.^(-1/4) .* exp(i*w0*eta) .* exp(-eta.^2/2);
title('Morlet Mother Wavelet')
In order to familiarize ourselves with wavelet power spectra, we use a pure
sine wave with a period i ve and additive Gaussian noise.
t = 0 : 0.5 : 50;
x = sin(2*pi*t/5) + randn(size(t));
As a i rst step, we need to dei ne the mother wavelet and its wave number w0 .
mother = 'morl';
w0 = 6;
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