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constant amount. Scargle (1982) showed that this particular choice of the
of set ˄ has the consequence that the solution for P x (ˉ) is identical to a least-
squares i t of sine and cosine functions to the data series y ( t ):
h e least-squares i t of harmonic functions to data series in conjunction
with spectral analysis had previously been investigated by Lomb (1976), and
hence the method is called the normalized Lomb-Scargle Fourier transform.
h e term normalized refers to the factor s 2 in the dominator of the equation
for the periodogram.
Scargle (1982) has shown that the Lomb-Scargle periodogram has an
exponential probability distribution with a mean equal to one, assuming that
the noise is Gaussian distributed. h e probability that P x (ˉ) will be between
some positive quantity z and z + dz is exp(- z ) dz . If we scan M independent
frequencies, the probability of none of them having a value larger than z is
(1-exp(- z )) M . We can therefore compute the false-alarm probability of the
null hypothesis (i.e., the probability that a given peak in the periodogram is
not signii cant) using
Press et al. (1992) suggested using the Nyquist criterion (Section 5.2) to
determine the number of independent frequencies M , assuming that the
data were evenly spaced. In this case, the appropriate value for the number of
independent frequencies is M =2 N , where N is the length of the time series.
More detailed discussions of the Lomb-Scargle method are given in Scargle
(1989) and Press et al. (1992). An excellent summary of the method and a
TURBO PASCAL program to compute the normalized Lomb-Scargle power
spectrum of paleoclimatic data have been published by Schulz and Stattegger
(1998). A convenient MATLAB algorithm lombscargle for computing the
Lomb-Scargle periodogram has been published by Brett Shoelson (h e
MathWorks, Inc.) and can be downloaded from File Exchange at
h e following MATLAB code is based on the original FORTRAN code
published by Scargle (1989). Signii cance testing uses the methods proposed
by Press et al. (1992) explained above.
We i rst load the synthetic data that were generated to illustrate the use
of the evolutionary or windowed power spectrum method in Section 5.6.
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