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We can now interpolate the two time series to this axis with linear and spline
interpolation methods, using the function interp1 .
series1L = interp1(series1(:,1),series1(:,2),t,'linear');
series1S = interp1(series1(:,1),series1(:,2),t,'spline');
series2L = interp1(series2(:,1),series2(:,2),t,'linear');
series2S = interp1(series2(:,1),series2(:,2),t,'spline');
In the linear interpolation method the linear interpolant is the straight line
between neighboring data points. In the spline interpolation the interpolant
is a piecewise polynomial (the spline ) between these data points. h e
method spline with interp1 uses a piecewise cubic spline interpolation, i.e.,
the interpolant is a third-degree polynomial. h e results are compared by
plotting the i rst series before and at er interpolation.
plot(series1(:,1),series1(:,2),'ko'), hold on
plot(t,series1L,'b-',t,series1S,'r-'), hold off
We can already observe some signii cant artifacts at ca. 370 kyrs. Whereas
the linearly-interpolated points are always within the range of the original
data, the spline interpolation method produces values that are unrealistically
high or low (Fig. 5.9). h e results can be compared by plotting the second
data series.
plot(series2(:,1),series2(:,2),'ko'), hold on
plot(t,series2L,'b-',t,series2S,'r-'), hold off
In this series, only a few artifacts can be observed. h e function interp1 also
provides an alternative to spline , which is pchip . h e name pchip stands for
Fig. 5.9 Interpolation artifacts. Whereas the linearly interpolated points are always within
the range of the original data, the spline interpolation method results in unrealistic high and
low values.
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