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We now drop the redundant part in the power spectrum and use only the
i rst (1+nfft/2) points. We also multiply the power spectral density by two
to keep the same energy as in the symmetric spectrum, except for the i rst
data point.
Pxx = [Pxx2(1); 2*Pxx2(2:512)];
h e corresponding frequency axis runs from 0 to Fs/2 in Fs/(nfft-1) steps,
where Fs/2 is the Nyquist frequency. Since Fs=1 in our example, the frequency
axis is
f = 0 : 1/(1024-1) : 1/2;
We then plot the power spectral density Pxx in the Nyquist frequency range
from 0 to Fs/2 , which in our example is from 0 to 1/2 . h e Nyquist frequency
range corresponds to the i rst 512 or nfft/2 data points. We can plot the
power spectral density over the frequency by typing
plot(f,Pxx), grid
h e graphical output shows that there are three signii cant peaks at the
positions of the original frequencies of the three sine waves (1/50, 1/15,
and 1/5). Alternatively, we can also plot the power spectral density over the
period by typing
plot(1./f,Pxx), axis([0 100 0 1000]), grid
where we observe the three periods 50, 15, and 5, as expected. Since the
values on the x -axis of this plot are not evenly spaced (in constrast to those
on the frequency axis), we i nd the long periods poorly resolved and a broad
peak at a period of 50 in this graphics. h e code for the power spectral
density can be rewritten to make it independent of the sampling frequency,
Fs = 1;
t = 1/Fs :1/Fs : 1000/Fs; t = t';
x = 2*sin(2*pi*t/50) + sin(2*pi*t/15) + 0.5*sin(2*pi*t/5);
nfft = 2^nextpow2(length(t));
Xxx = fft(x,nfft);
Pxx2 = abs(Xxx).^2 /Fs /length(x);
Pxx = [Pxx2(1); 2*Pxx2(2:512)];
f = 0 : Fs/(nfft-1) : Fs/2;
plot(f,Pxx), grid
axis([0 0.5 0 max(Pxx)])
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