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Fig. 4.4 Linear regression. Whereas classical regression minimizes the ʔ y deviations, reduced
major axis regression minimizes the triangular area 0.5*(ʔ x ʔ y ) between the data points and
the regression line, where ʔ x and ʔ y are the distances between the predicted and the true
x - and y -values. h e intercept of the line with the y -axis is b 0, and the slope is b 1. h ese two
parameters dei ne the equation of the regression line.
and are ot en regarded as being free of errors. An example is the location x
within a sediment core from which the variable y has been measured. h e
dependent variable y contains errors as its magnitude cannot be determined
accurately. Linear regression minimizes the deviations ʔ y between the data
points xy and the value y predicted by the best-i t line y=b 0 +b 1 x using a least-
squares criterion. h e basic equation for a general linear model is
where b 0 and b 1 are the regression coei cients. h e value of b 0 is the intercept
with the y -axis and b 1 is the slope of the line. h e squared sum of the ʔ y
deviations to be minimized is
Partial dif erentiation of the right-hand term in the equation and setting it to
zero yields a simple equation for the regression coei cient b 1 :
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