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We u s e U to calculate the measured z -value, corrected for tied values, by
t = 0;
S = n1 + n2;
for i = 1 : nties
t(i) = (kties(i)^3 - kties(i)) / 12;
T = sum(t);
zcal = abs(U - n1*n2/2) / ...
sqrt( (n1*n2/(S*(S-1))) * ((S^3-S)/12 - T))
which yields
zcalc =
h is is a two-tailed Mann-Whitney test, i.e., the alternative hypothesis is
that the medians are not equal, no matter which is larger. Computing the
two-tailed critical zcrit value using the function norminv for the standard
normal distribution (with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one) by
entering 1-0.05/2 yields the upper (positive) zcrit value, which we compare
with the calculated zcalc value
zcrit = norminv(1-0.05/2,0,1)
which yields
zcrit =
Since the absolute measured zcalc value is 1.6473, which is smaller than
the critical zcrit value of 1.9600, we cannot reject the null hypothesis. We
can therefore conclude that our samples come from the same population.
Alternatively, we can use the function ranksum to perform a Mann-Whitney
test on the same samples:
[p,h,stats] = ranksum(data1,data2)
which yields
P =
H =
ranksum: 83.5000
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