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higher than the critical KS value.
As an example we can again test the hypothesis that our organic carbon
measurements contained in organicmatter_one.txt follow a Gaussian
distribution. We must i rst load and standardize the data to have zero mean
and unit standard deviation.
corg = load('organicmatter_one.txt');
corg = (corg-mean(corg))/std(corg);
We then compute the empirical distribution function cn_obs of corg evaluated
at the points x by using the function ecdf
[cn_obs,x] = ecdf(corg);
We then use the function normcdf to create the cumulative distribution
function expected from the theoretical distribution cn_exp with a mean of
zero and a standard deviation of one.
cn_exp = normcdf(x,0,1);
h e test statistic is the maximum dif erence between the two cumulative
distribution functions cn_obs and cn_exp
kscal = max(cn_obs-normcdf(x,0,1))
which yields
kscalc =
We can compare the two cumulative distribution functions in a plot by typing
plot(x,cn_obs,'b'), hold on
plot(x(find((cn_obs-normcdf(x,0,1))== ...
max(cn_obs-normcdf(x,0,1))))*ones(2,1),[0 1],'k:')
h e vertical black line marks the location of the maximum dif erence between
the two cumulative distributions. h e critical kscalc values are solutions of
an n -th order polynomial, which can be obtained from Table 3.1 (O'Connor
and Kleyner 2012). For sample sizes larger than 40 and a signii cance level of
0.05 (or 5%) we calculate
kscrit = 1.36/length(corg)^0.5
which yields
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