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h is i le again contains two data sets corg1 and corg2 . As before, we plot both
histograms in a single graph.
histogram(corg1,'FaceColor','b'), hold on
histogram(corg2,'FaceColor','r'), hold off
We then compute the sample sizes, the means and the standard deviations.
na = length(corg1); nb = length(corg2);
ma = mean(corg1); mb = mean(corg2);
sa = std(corg1); sb = std(corg2);
Next, we calculate the t -value using the translation of the equation for the
t -test statistic into MATLAB code.
tcalc = abs((ma-mb))/sqrt(((na+nb)/(na*nb)) * ...
tcalc =
We can now compare the calculated tcalc value of 4.7364 with the critical
tcrit value. Again, this can be accomplished using the function tinv at a 5%
signii cance level. h e function tinv yields the inverse of the t distribution
function with na-nb-2 degrees of freedom at the 5% signii cance level. h is is
again a two-sample t -test, i.e., the means are not equal. Computing the two-
tailed critical tcrit value by entering 1-0.05/2 yields the upper (positive)
tcrit value that we compare with the absolute value of the dif erence between
the means.
tcrit = tinv(1-0.05/2,na+nb-2)
tcrit =
Since the tcalc value calculated from the data is now larger than the critical
tcrit value, we can reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the means
are not identical at a 5% signii cance level. Alternatively, we can apply the
function ttest2(x,y,alpha) to the two independent samples corg1 and corg2
at an alpha=0.05 or a 5% signii cance level. h e command
[h,p,ci,stats] = ttest2(corg1,corg2,0.05)
h =
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