Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
The claim made by the party was rejected.
Above all the second statement is of great significance. If the client did not have this
planning competence, the lowest price would always be the decisive factor. In this case,
NS RIB would have had to abandon future tendering procedures based on D & C con-
tracts, since the quality of such tenders is of great importance.
The tendering and award process that was used led to a good result.
It is clear that the candidates accepted the possibility of delivering a design contribution
as a challenge and many made extreme efforts, particularly to prepare a technical proposal
for the implementation of the risky boring work in a safe and economical manner.
One disadvantage of the process used is the long duration of about ten months. This could
have been shortened by about three months if a traditional tendering process had been used. A
second disadvantage is the large amount of work that the bidders have to undertake to compile
a tender. This amounted to about 10,000 hours per candidate for a contract value of about
300 million DM (150 million €). It may be possible to reduce this somewhat in the future.
The contract award of the Botlek rail tunnel demonstrates that European negotiation pro-
cesses are very applicable to the tendering of complex building and civil engineering
works, and also to stimulate the construction sector to look for innovative solutions.
9.2.3 Procedure in Germany
The procedure in Germany for mechanised tunnelling was dealt with exhaustively in
[141]. The recommendations of the DAUB [44, 45] normally provide the basis for the
consideration of additional special features. These are extended with specific conditions;
see also the publication Tunnelbau Taschenbuch 2001 [144].
Design and geotechnical requirements for the tendering of
mechanised tunnelling as an alternative proposal
9.3.1 General
A tunnel project with tender documents for shotcrete tunnelling can only be imperfectly
tendered for mechanised tunnelling. Even when the geotechnical conditions are appropri-
ate, the submission of an alternative proposal is often impossible because the specified
concept cannot be fulfilled by mechanised tunnelling. This is confirmed by the following
examples [133].
In the end, the geotechnical, design and contractual requirements in the tender documents
were formulated in a way that provided the preconditions for the submission of a tender
based on mechanised tunnelling.
The costs and the people involved in the phases of design, award and construction have
a decisive influence on the consideration of an alternative proposal for mechanised tun-
Only when these points are considered can a practical and economic tender be submitted.
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