Civil Engineering Reference
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avoided and it should be made possible to link readings from the various areas to each other
and analyse them. Evaluation can only be based on central recording, bundling and processing
of the data from different sources in a structured database management system.
The central recording and bundling of data for the analysis of the course of settlement can
serve as an example.
Fig. 4-8 shows the data required to analyse settlement, divided into the catagories face,
shield skin, annular gap and subsequent settlement. In addition to the geodetic data from
the surface terrain, such an analysis requires a range of machine data and surveying data
from the tunnel. Further to the data mentioned in the illustration, the overburden at a loca-
tion and any stoppages also have an effect on all three categories of settlement. Efficient
evaluation as the tunnel advances is thus only possible when all the required information
from the various parts of the tunnel site are available centrally and can be accessed.
Figure 4-8 Diagram of the interaction between the course of settlement and the advance of the machine.
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