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Inhibited States of Cluster C
Light was shed upon a potential binding mode for CO by structural studies of
cyanide-inhibited cluster C [ 97 , 98 ]. Surprisingly, cyanide-inhibited structures for
CODH/ACS Mt and CODH II Ch revealed different binding modes (Figure 9 ).
Figure 9 Inhibited states of CODH. (a) Ball-and-stick model of cyanide-inhibited CODH II Ch
[ 98 ]. (b) Schematic drawing of cyanide-inhibited CODH II Ch .(c) Cyanide-inhibited cluster C of
ACS/CODH Mt [ 97 ]. (d) n-butyl-isocyanate bound to cluster C of CODH II Ch [ 95 ]. Major and
minor conformations for Fe 1 are depicted in black and grey colors, respectively.
In the structure of CODH II Ch -CN, cyanide binds to the open apical coordination
site of Ni in an approximately linear fashion (Ni-C-N angle of 170 ) (Figure 9a
and 9b) [ 98 ]. The OH x ligand on Fe 1 is lost and Fe 1 shifts from the A position (Fe 1A )
to an alternative position B (Fe 1B ). In untreated CODH II Ch crystals the Fe 1 atom
occupies the alternative positions with a ratio of 60/30 % for Fe 1A /Fe 1B , respec-
tively [ 94 ], while after CN treatment the cluster has inverted occupancies (10/70 %)
[ 98 ]. Cyanide binding is stabilized by hydrogen bonds with Lys 563 and His 93 .
A different coordination was found for the structure of CN-inhibited CODH/
ACS Mt : cyanide binds to Ni completing a distorted tetrahedral coordination with a
distinctly bent conformation (Ni-C-N angle of 114 , Figure 9c )[ 97 ]. As this bent
angle has not been expected from inorganic model complexes [ 99 ], the authors
suggested that a conserved isoleucine residue in close proximity to the Ni atom
prevents a linear apical binding mode [ 78 , 97 ]. A patch of electron density in the
structure of the CODH component of the acetyl-CoA decarbonylase/synthase
(ACDS) complex from archaea Methanosarcina barkeri above the Ni ion was
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