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and a similar pattern was observed in the g
2.8 mT.
This hyperfine structure disappeared upon reduction of the protein in the absence
of dioxygen to yield to a broad featureless signal with g values at 2.18 and 2.06.
Notably, the pink form II of the enzyme that is characterized by an intact Cu A site,
but a Cu Z site in the Cu Z * state, showed a similar spectrum to form I, but with an
inferior resolution for the hyperfine pattern in both the g || and g regions.
Based on these and further studies, Kroneck and coworkers concluded
that Cu A in nitrous oxide reductase was a valence-delocalized [Cu 1.5+ :Cu 1.5+ ]
binuclear center, and that the same was true for the corresponding site in cyto-
chrome c oxidase [ 52 ]. This claim was soon contested by the proponents of a
mononuclear Cu A site in the respiratory complex [ 55 ], largely under the impression
of the available spectroscopic data for the respiratory enzyme. While the additional
copper center there was found to show an unusual g || value of 2.18 and lacked the
four-line hyperfine pattern typical for type-I and type-II copper sites unless it was
chemically denatured, the characteristic seven-line pattern (Figure 4 ) was never
observed clearly. In retrospect this was ascribed to the additional presence of heme
groups in cytochrome c oxidase [ 53 , 56 ], but more recent data has provided an
alternative explanation (see Section 3.2.3 ).
In the absence of a crystal structure, Cu K-edge EXAFS was highly valuable
for obtaining initial information on the architecture of Cu A .Astudyonthe
solubilized cupredoxin domain of subunit II in cytochrome c oxidase from
Bacillus subtilis indicated the presence of two coppers, each of which was
coordinated to a single histidine and two cysteines [ 57 ]. In addition, a direct
metal-metal interaction was observed at a distance of 2.5
region with A ¼
authors compared the Cu A domains of the oxidases of B. subtilis and Thermus
thermophilus in different redox states, and obtained a Cu-Cu distance of
for the valence-delocalized oxidized state, versus 2.51
for the fully-
reduced [Cu 1+ :Cu 1+ ] state [ 58 ].
3.2.2 Three-Dimensional Structure(s) of Cu A
While the Cu A site in N 2 O reductase had proved valuable for understanding
the electronic properties of the center, structural information was first provided
along different lines. Extensive efforts to solve the three-dimensional structure of
respiratory cytochrome c oxidase were undertaken by several groups, until the
prokaryotic ortholog from Paracoccus denitrificans was solved to 2.8
tion in 1995 [ 59 ], followed shortly thereafter by the eukaryotic enzyme from
bovine heart mitochondria [ 60 , 61 ]. The same arrangement was also found in a
solubilized form of subunit II of cytochrome bo 3 oxidase from Escherichia coli
[ 62 ]. These structures unequivocally settled the debate concerning the number of
metal ions in Cu A , and they underlined that the ligand environment in Cu A is
highly conserved.
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