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c -type cytochromes. This has been analyzed in W. succinogenes [ 23 , 36 ], and it is
commonly interpreted to originate from a fusion event of the reductase enzyme
with a soluble electron donor. A cytochrome c 552 of similar architecture serves as
electron donor to the enzyme of M. hydrocarbonoclasticus [ 37 ], while for other
NosZ orthologs the type-I copper protein pseudoazurin was described to also fulfill
this function [ 38 ]. This functional variability in the architecture of electron transfer
chains is not unprecedented within the pathway of denitrification and a very similar
case was described for cytochrome cd 1 nitrite reductase [ 39 ].
As an additional layer of complexity, NosZ itself was found to occur in a series
of forms that are distinct in terms of spectroscopy and reactivity [ 40 ]. When isolated
in the absence of dioxygen, preparations had a deep purple color, with high catalytic
activity and approximately 8 mol of Cu per mol of dimeric enzyme of P. stutzeri
[ 41 , 42 ]. This was designated form I of N 2 O reductase, and it is considered to be the
physiologically relevant active form [ 43 ], although the copper content at the time
was significantly underestimated. When isolated in the presence of dioxygen,
the enzyme showed reduced catalytic activity and a different optical spectrum.
Figure 4 Electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of N 2 O reductase. In a continuous-wave
EPR experiment at X-band (
9.4 GHz) recorded at 10 K, N 2 OR shows a characteristic axial
signal dominated by the contribution from the Cu A site. Both the g || and the g region of the EPR
spectrum are split into a complex hyperfine pattern that was best resolved in the purple form I of
the enzyme where the second metal site, Cu Z , was in the [4Cu:2S] configuration. The seven-line
pattern is well resolved in the first harmonic (solid), and the second harmonic (dashed) shows that
both g regions are split with an intensity ratio of 1:2:3:4:3:2:1 that is explained by two coupled
copper nuclei ( 63,65 Cu nuclear spin I
ʽ ¼
3/2) in a fully valence-delocalized arrangement.
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