Environmental Engineering Reference
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3.2 Coordination and Oxidation States of the Nickel Center
The bound cofactor in MCR also interconverts among various states, which are
designated by their oxidation or ligation states; for example, MCR red1m indicates
that MCR has been reduced to the Ni(I) state and incubated with CH 3 -SCoM.
The “1” distinguishes this from another characterized Ni(I) state, called MCR red2 .
Recent reviews include tables that provide the g values from the EPR spectra and
the coordination environments of the known MCR states [ 65 , 66 ].
The active Ni(I) form of the enzyme, termed MCR red1 , has g values of 2.068,
2.082, 2.274 [ 67 ] and a visible spectrum with absorption maxima at 383 nm and
759 nm [ 47 ]. The Ni(I) has a 3d 9 configuration with the unpaired electron residing
mostly in the d x 2 - y 2 orbital with a hyperfine coupling value of 25-30 MHz from the
pyrrole nitrogens [ 66 ]. MCR red1 can be generated within the cell by replacing
the 80%/20% (H 2 /CO 2 ) gas phase with 100% H 2 [ 68 , 69 ] or 100% CO [ 70 ] prior
to harvesting the cells or by treating the MCR ox1 state with sodium sulfide (Na 2 S)
[ 71 ]; alternatively, it can be generated in vitro by adding CH 3 -SCoM to the
MCR red2 state [ 72 ].
There is no crystal structure of this form of the protein, due to its extreme
lability; however, it has been characterized by X-ray absorption spectroscopy,
which provides precise nickel-ligand bond lengths and geometries. As shown in
Figure 3 , which compares the Ni(I), Ni(II), and methyl-Ni(III) states, in the
MCR red1 state, the Ni(I) is pentacoordinate, being ligated by the four nitrogen
atoms from the tetrapyrrole and the oxygen atom from the side chain of Gln ʱ ' 147)
[ 73 , 74 ]. Several MCR red1 sub-types have been described: MCR red1c ,MCR red1m ,
which are generated by incubating the Ni(I) form of the enzyme with CoMSH or
methyl-SCoM, respectively, and MCR red1a , generated in the absence of a CoM
derivative. The EPR spectra of these states differ slightly in that the MCR red1m and
MCR red1c forms exhibit sharper peaks and, thus, better resolved splitting of the
S-shaped resonance at g
2.07 [ 73 ].
Another Ni(I) state, MCR red2 , has been identified and, based on high-frequency
EPR studies and density functional theory (DFT) computations, the MCR red2a and
MCR red2r states were resolved [ 56 , 75 , 76 ]. In the MCR red2r state, the EPR spectrum
is markedly altered ( g 1 increases from the ~2.06 value seen in other MCR red states
to 2.175) and the nitrogen hyperfine splitting value (~14 MHz) of one of the pyrrole
nitrogens (from the A ring) is reduced relative to that of the other three nitrogens
(~24 MHz). These unusual features indicate a significant distortion of the tetrapyr-
role macrocycle that displaces the nitrogen in the A ring out of the plane containing
the other three nitrogens in the tetrapyrrole ring and removal of the glutamine
oxygen ligand. By 33 S isotope labeling and pulsed EPR studies, it was shown that
the thiolate sulfur of CoMS ligates the Ni in the MCR red2r state [ 56 , 77 ].
An exchangeable proton with a strikingly large (42-43 MHz) hyperfine coupling
( 1 H nuclear spin I
1/2) was identified in MCR red2a , indicating that this form of
the protein contains a 1.6 to 1.7
Ni-H bond (perhaps a nickel hydride). In the
MCR red2r state, the proton coupling is reduced to 29 MHz, consistent with the
ionizable proton from CoMSH interacting with Ni and a tetrapyrrole nitrogen [ 76 ].
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