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concern the semantics and operation of the commands. Also, PrK = = “{Basic,
Pascal}” indicates that Kostas knows the programming languages 'Basic' and
'Pascal', already.
He is examining in C 6.5 : “processing arrays per row” and is succeeding 86 %.
So, the quintet, which describes Kostas' knowledge level on C 6.5 , is (0, 0, 0, 0.8,
0.2). However, according to the “strength of impact” of the knowledge dependen-
cies that exist between the domain concepts of the learning material (Table 2.2 ) ,
C 6.5 affects 99 % the concept C 6.4 and 77 % the concept C 6.6 . According to the
fuzzy rules (Figs. 3.6 and 3.7 ) the following occur (Table 3.4 , column 'after'):
• According to R5 and R6 (h) are μ L (C 6.4 ) = 0.79 and μ A (C 6.4 ) = 0.5. However,
due to limitation L1 is μ L (C 6.4 ) = 0.5. So, the quintet for C 6.4 is (0, 0, 0, 0.5,
• According to R1 and R2 (h) are μ L (C 6.6 ) = 0.62, μ A (C 6.4 ) = 0.17 and it
remains 11 % 'Known' ( μ Kn (C 6.6 ) = 0.11). So, the quintet for C 6.6 is (0, 0,
0.11, 0.62, 0.17).
Consequently, Kostas remains to the same knowledge level (KL = 6), but the system
infers that he does not need to read the domain concepts C 6.4.
Example 3 Stella's current student model has the following values: KL = 3,
ErrTyp = “prone to logical errors”, PrK = “none”. The value KL = 3 comes off
her current overlay model (Table 3.5 , column 'before'). ErrTyp is “prone to logical
errors” due to the fact that she had made usually errors that concern the semantics
and operation of the commands. PrK = “none” indicates that Stella does not have
previous knowledge on computer programming.
She is examining in C 4.2 : “calculating sum in a 'for' loop” and is succeeding 95 %.
So, the quintet, which describes Stella's knowledge level on C 4.2 , is (0, 0, 0, 0, 1).
However, according to the “strength of impact” of the knowledge dependencies that
exist between the domain concepts of the learning material (Table 2.2 ), C 4.2 affects
45 % the concept C 4.3 , 81 % the concept C 4.4 , 100 % the concept C 5.2 , 45 % the con-
cept C 5.3 , and 39 % the concept C 5.4 .
According to the fuzzy rules (Figs. 3.6 and 3.7 ) the following occur (Table 3.5 ,
column 'after'):
• According to R2 (j) is are μ A (C 4.3 ) = 0.45. However, the current value
of μ A (C 4.3 ) is 0.75. Therefore, according to R1 μ A (C 4.3 )
= 0.75 and
μ L (C 4.3 ) = 0.25 So, the quintet for C 4.3 is (0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.75).
• According to R2 (j) IS μ A (C 4.4 ) = 0.81 and it remains 19 % 'Learned'
( μ L (C 4.4 ) = 0.19). So, the quintet for C 4.4 is (0, 0, 0, 0.19, 0.81).
• According to R2 (j) is μ A (C 5.2 ) = 1. So, the quintet for C 5.2 is (0, 0, 0, 0, 1).
• According to R2 (j) μ A (C 5.3 ) = 0.45 and it remains 35 % 'Learned'
( μ L (C 5.3 ) = 0.35) So, the quintet for C 5.3 is (0, 0, 0, 0.35, 0.45).
• According to R2 (j) μ A (C 5.4 ) = 0.39 and it remains 61 % 'Learned'
( μ Un (C 5.4 ) = 0.61). So, the quintet for C 5.4 is (0, 0, 0, 0.61, 0.39).
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