Java Reference
In-Depth Information
13 . What event is generated when the user selects or deselects an item in a JList ?
14 . What method sets the selection mode of a JList ? What method obtains the index of
the first selected item?
setSelectionMode( ) sets the selection mode. getSelectedIndex( ) obtains the index
of the first selected item.
15 . To create a Swing-based applet, what class must you inherit?
16 . Usually, Swing-based applets use invokeAndWait( ) to create the initial GUI. True or
17 . Add a check box to the file comparer developed in Try This 16-1 that has the follow-
ing text: Show position of mismatch. When this box is checked, have the program
display the location of the first point in the files at which a mismatch occurs.
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