Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Greater than or equal to
Less than or equal to
The logical operators are shown next:
XOR (exclusive OR)
Short-circuit OR
Short-circuit AND
The outcome of the relational and logical operators is a boolean value.
In Java, all objects can be compared for equality or inequality using = = and != .
However, the comparison operators, <, > , <= , or >= , can be applied only to those types that
support an ordering relationship. Therefore, all of the relational operators can be applied to
all numeric types and to type char . However, values of type boolean can only be compared
for equality or inequality, since the true and false values are not ordered. For example, true
> false has no meaning in Java.
For the logical operators, the operands must be of type boolean , and the result of a lo-
gical operation is of type boolean . The logical operators, & , | , ^ , and ! , support the basic
logical operations AND, OR, XOR, and NOT, according to the following truth table:
As the table shows, the outcome of an exclusive OR operation is true when exactly one
and only one operand is true.
Here is a program that demonstrates several of the relational and logical operators:
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