Java Reference
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action event on a button under program control. This is done by calling fire( ) on the
button instance. For example, assuming a Button called myButtton , the following
will fire an action event on it: ) . Use this fact when implementing the
event handlers for the text fields that hold the names of the files to compare. If the
user presses ENTER when in either of these fields, simply fire an action event on the
Compare button. The event-handling code for the Compare button will then handle
the file comparison.
14 . Modify the EffectsAndTransformsDemo program so the Rotate button is also
blurred. Use a blur width and height of 5 and an iteration count of 2.
15. On your own, experiment with other effects and transforms. For example, try the
Glow effect and the Translate transform.
16. Continue to advance in your knowledge of Java. A good way to start is by examining
Java's core packages, such as java.lang , java.util , and . Write sample pro-
grams that demonstrate their various classes and interfaces. In general, the best way
to become a great Java programmer is to write lots of code.
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