Java Reference
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Before leaving the topic of effects and transforms, it is useful to mention that several
of them are particularly pleasing when used on a Text node. Text is a class packaged in
javafx.scene.text . It creates a node that consists of text. Because it is a node, the text can
be easily manipulated as a unit and various effects and transforms can be applied.
What Next?
Congratulations! If you have read and worked through the preceding 17 chapters, then you
can call yourself a Java programmer. Of course, there are still many, many things to learn
about Java, its libraries, and its subsystems, but you now have a solid foundation upon
which you can build your knowledge and expertise.
Here are a few of the topics that you will want to learn more about:
JavaFX and Swing—both are an important part of today's Java programming environ-
Event handling.
Java's networking classes.
Java's utility classes, especially its Collections Framework, which simplifies a number
of common programming tasks.
The Concurrent API, which offers detailed control over high-performance multith-
readed applications.
Java Beans, which supports the creation of software components in Java.
Native methods.
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