Java Reference
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Reflection(double offset , double fraction , double topOpacity , double bottomOpacity )
Here, offset specifies the distance between the bottom of the image and its reflection. The
amount of the reflection that is shown is specified as a fraction, specified by fraction . It
must be between 0 and 1.0. The top and bottom opacity is specified by topOpacity and bot-
tomOpacity . Both must be between 0 and 1.0. A default constructor is also supplied, which
sets the offset to 0, the amount to 0.75, the top opacity to 0.5, and the bottom opacity to 0.
The offset, amount shown, and opacities can also be changed during program execution.
For example, the opacities are set using setTopOpacity( ) and setBottomOpacity( ) ,
shown here:
final void setTopOpacity(double opacity )
final void setBottomOpacity(double opacity )
The offset is changed by calling setTopOffset( ) :
final void setTopOffset(double offset )
The amount of the reflection displayed can be set by calling setFraction( ) :
final void setFraction(double amount )
These methods let you adjust the reflection during program execution.
Transforms are supported by the abstract Transform class, which is packaged in
javafx.scene.transform . Four of its subclasses are Rotate , Scale , Shear , and Translate .
Each does what its name suggests. (Another subclass is Affine , but typically you will use
one or more of the preceding transform classes.) It is possible to perform more than one
transform on a node. For example, you could rotate and scale it. Transforms are supported
by the Node class as described next.
One way to add a transform to a node is to add it to the list of transforms maintained by
the node. This list is obtained by calling getTransforms( ) , which is defined by Node . It is
shown here:
final ObservableList<Transform> getTransforms( )
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