Java Reference
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eral other capabilities that you might want to explore, such as cut, paste, and append. You
can also select a portion of the text under program control.
One especially useful TextField option is the ability to set a prompting message inside
the text field when the user attempts to use a blank field. To do this, call setPromptText(
) , shown here:
final void setPromptText(String str )
In this case, str is the string displayed in the text field when no text has been entered. It is
displayed using low-intensity (such as a gray tone).
When the user presses ENTER while inside a TextField , an action event is generated. Al-
though handling this event is often helpful, in some cases, your program will simply obtain
the text when it is needed, rather than handling action events. Both approaches are demon-
strated by the following program. It creates a text field that requests a name. When the
user presses ENTER while the text field has input focus, or presses the Get Name button, the
string is obtained and displayed. Notice that a prompting message is also included.
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