Java Reference
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Notice that a vertical scroll bar has been included so that the list can be scrolled to see
all of its entries. As mentioned, when the contents of a ListView exceed its size, a scroll
bar is automatically added. This makes ListView a very convenient control.
In the program, pay special attention to how the ListView is constructed. First, an Ob-
servableList is created by this line:
It uses the observableArrayList( ) method to create a list of strings. Then, the Observ-
ableList is used to initialize a ListView , as shown here:
The program then sets the preferred width and height of the control.
Now, notice how the selection model is obtained for lvComputers :
As explained, ListView uses MultipleSelectionModel , even when only a single selection
is allowed. The selectedItemProperty( ) method is then called on the model and a change
listener is registered, as shown here:
As a point of interest, the same basic mechanism used to listen for and handle change
events can be applied to any control that generates change events.
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