Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The individual elements of a scene are called nodes . For example, a push button control is
a node. However, nodes can also consist of groups of nodes. Furthermore, a node can have
a child node. In this case, a node with a child is called a parent node or branch node . Nodes
without children are terminal nodes and are called leaves . The collection of all nodes in a
scene creates what is referred to as a scene graph , which comprises a tree .
There is one special type of node in the scene graph, called the root node . This is the top-
level node and is the only node in the scene graph that does not have a parent. Thus, with
the exception of the root node, all other nodes have parents, and all nodes either directly or
indirectly descend from the root node.
The base class for all nodes is Node . There are several other classes that are, either direc-
tly or indirectly, subclasses of Node . These include Parent , Group , Region , and Control ,
to name a few.
JavaFX provides several layout panes that manage the process of placing elements in a
scene. For example, the FlowPane class provides a flow layout and the GridPane class
supports a row/column grid-based layout. Several other layouts, such as BorderPane
(which is similar to the AWT's BorderLayout ), are available. Each inherits Node . The lay-
outs are packaged in javafx.scene.layout .
The Application Class and the Life-cycle Methods
A JavaFX application must be a subclass of the Application class, which is packaged in
javafx.application . Thus, your application class will extend Application . The Applica-
tion class defines three life-cycle methods that your application can override. These are
called init( ) , start( ) , and stop( ) , and are shown here, in the order in which they are called:
void init( )
abstract void start(Stage primaryStage )
void stop( )
The init( ) method is called when the application begins execution. It is used to perform
various initializations. As will be explained, it cannot , however, be used to create a stage or
build a scene. If no initializations are required, this method need not be overridden because
an empty, default version is provided.
The start( ) method is called after init( ) . This is where your application begins and it
can be used to construct and set the scene. Notice that it is passed a reference to a Stage
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