Java Reference
In-Depth Information
9 . Show how to create a text field that has 32 columns.
10 . Can a JTextField have its action command set? If so, how?
11 . What Swing component creates a check box? What event is generated when a check
box is selected or deselected?
12 .
JList displays a list of items from which the user can select. True or False?
13 . What event is generated when the user selects or deselects an item in a JList ?
14 . What method sets the selection mode of a JList ? What method obtains the index of
the first selected item?
15 . To create a Swing-based applet, what class must you inherit?
16 . Usually, Swing-based applets use invokeAndWait( ) to create the initial GUI. True or
17 . Add a check box to the file comparer developed in Try This 15-1 that has the follow-
ing text: Show position of mismatch. When this box is checked, have the program
display the location of the first point in the files at which a mismatch occurs.
18 . Change the ListDemo program so that it allows multiple items in the list to be selec-
19. Bonus challenge: Convert the Help class developed in Try This 4-1 into a Swing-
based GUI program. Display the keywords ( for , while , switch , and so on) in a JList .
When the user selects one, display the keyword's syntax. To display multiple lines of
text within a label, you can use HTML. When doing so, you must begin the text with
the sequence <html> . When this is done, the text is automatically formatted as de-
scribed by the markup. In addition to other benefits, using HTML enables you to cre-
ate labels that span two or more lines. For example, this creates a label that displays
two lines of text, with the string "Top" over the string "Bottom".
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ready to apply your Java skills on your own!
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