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Q :
You explained that the action command associated with a text field can be set by
calling setActionCommand( ) . Can I use this method to set the action command
associated with a push button?
A : Yes. As explained, by default the action command associated with a push button is
the name of the button. To set the action command to a different value, you can use
the setActionCommand( ) method. It works the same for JButton as it does for
JTextField .
To obtain the string that is currently displayed in the text field, call getText( ) on the
JTextField instance. It is declared as shown here:
String getText( )
You can set the text in a JTextField by calling setText( ) , shown next:
void setText(String text )
Here, text is the string that will be put into the text field.
The following program demonstrates JTextField . It contains one text field, one push
button, and two labels. One label prompts the user to enter text into the text field. When
the user presses ENTER while focus is within the text field, the contents of the text field
are obtained and displayed within a second label. The push button is called Reverse. When
pressed, it reverses the contents of the text field. Sample output is shown in Figure 16-3 .
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