Java Reference
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throughout pre-5.0 code. Today, the use of getContentPane( ) is no longer necessary. You
can simply call add( ) , remove( ) , and setLayout( ) directly on JFrame because these
methods have been changed so that they automatically operate on the content pane.
The setVisible( ) method has this general form:
void setVisible(boolean flag )
If flag is true , the window will be displayed. Otherwise, it will be hidden. By default, a
JFrame is invisible, so setVisible(true) must be called to show it.
Inside main( ) , a SwingDemo object is created, which causes the window and the label
to be displayed. Notice that the SwingDemo constructor is invoked using these lines of
This sequence causes a SwingDemo object to be created on the event-dispatching thread
rather than on the main thread of the application. Here's why. In general, Swing programs
are event-driven. For example, when a user interacts with a component, an event is gen-
erated. An event is passed to the application by calling an event handler defined by the
application. However, the handler is executed on the event-dispatching thread provided by
Swing and not on the main thread of the application. Thus, although event handlers are
defined by your program, they are called on a thread that was not created by your program.
To avoid problems (such as two different threads trying to update the same component at
the same time), all Swing GUI components must be created and updated from the event-
dispatching thread, not the main thread of the application. However, main( ) is executed on
the main thread. Thus, it cannot directly instantiate a SwingDemo object. Instead, it must
create a Runnable object that executes on the event-dispatching thread, and have this ob-
ject create the GUI.
To enable the GUI code to be created on the event-dispatching thread, you must use
one of two methods that are defined by the SwingUtilities class. These methods are in-
vokeLater( ) and invokeAndWait( ) . They are shown here:
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