Java Reference
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The next example will use these methods to display the current location of the mouse.
A Simple Mouse Event Applet
The following applet demonstrates handling the basic mouse events. It displays the current
coordinates of the mouse in the applet's status window. Each time a button is pressed, the
word "Down" is displayed at the location of the mouse pointer. Each time the button is
released, the word "Up" is shown. If a button is clicked, the message "Mouse clicked." is
displayed in the upper-left corner of the applet display area.
As the mouse enters or exits the applet window, a message is displayed in the upper-
left corner of the applet display area. When dragging the mouse, a * is shown, which
tracks with the mouse pointer as it is dragged. Notice that the two variables, mouseX and
mouseY , store the location of the mouse when a mouse pressed, released, or dragged event
occurs. These coordinates are then used by paint( ) to display output at the point of these
Ask the Expert
Q :
You state that the getX( ) and getY( ) methods defined by MouseEvent return the
window-relative coordinates of the mouse. Are there methods that return its
screen-relative (that is, absolute) location?
A : Yes. MouseEvent defines methods that obtain the X and Y coordinates of the mouse
relative to the screen. They are shown here:
int getXOnScreen( )
int getYOnScreen( )
You might find it interesting to experiment with these methods by substituting them for
getX( ) and getY( ) in the MouseEvents applet shown next.
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