Java Reference
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The run-time system calls start( ) to start the applet running. Inside start( ) , a new
thread of execution is created and assigned to the Thread variable t . Then, stopFlag
is set to false . Next, the thread is started by a call to t.start( ) . Remember that t.start(
) calls a method defined by Thread , which causes run( ) to begin executing. It does
not cause a call to the version of start( ) defined by Applet . These are two separate
4. Add the run( ) method, as shown here:
In run( ) , a call to repaint( ) is made. This eventually causes the paint( ) method to
be called, and the rotated contents of msg are displayed. Between each iteration,
run( ) sleeps for a quarter of a second. The net effect of run( ) is that the contents of
msg are scrolled right to left in a constantly moving display. The stopFlag variable is
checked on each iteration. When it is true , the run( ) method terminates.
5. Add the code for stop( ) and paint( ) , as shown here:
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