Java Reference
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As a general rule, an AWT-based applet writes to its window only when its paint( ) method
is called by the run-time system. This raises an interesting question: How can the applet
itself cause its window to be updated when its information changes? For example, if an
applet is displaying a moving banner, what mechanism does the applet use to update the
window each time this banner scrolls? Remember that one of the fundamental architectural
constraints imposed on an applet is that it must quickly return control to the Java run-time
system. It cannot create a loop inside paint( ) that repeatedly scrolls the banner, for ex-
ample. This would prevent control from passing back to the run-time system. Given this
constraint, it may seem that output to your applet's window will be difficult at best. For-
tunately, this is not the case. Whenever your applet needs to update the information dis-
played in its window, it simply calls repaint( ) .
The repaint( ) method is defined by the AWT's Component class. It causes the run-time
system to execute a call to your applet's paint( ) method. Thus, for another part of your
applet to output to its window, simply store the output and then call repaint( ) . This causes
a call to paint( ) , which can display the stored information. For example, if part of your
applet needs to output a string, it can store this string in a String variable and then call re-
paint( ) . Inside paint( ) , you will output the string using drawString( ) .
The simplest version of repaint( ) is shown here:
void repaint( )
This version causes the entire window to be repainted.
Another version of repaint( ) specifies a region that will be repainted:
void repaint(int left , int top , int width , int height )
Ask the Expert
Q :
Is it possible for a method other than paint( ) or update( ) to output to an applet's
A : Yes. To do so, you must obtain a graphics context by calling getGraphics( ) (defined
by Component ) and then use this context to output to the window. However, for
most AWT-based applications, it is better and easier to route window output through
paint( ) and to call repaint( ) when the contents of the window change.
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