Java Reference
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Throw an Exception from Within a Lambda Expression
A lambda expression can throw an exception. If it throws a checked exception, however,
then that exception must be compatible with the exception(s) listed in the throws clause of
the abstract method in the functional interface. For example, if a lambda expression throws
an IOException , then the abstract method in the functional interface must list IOExcep-
tion in a throws clause. This situation is demonstrated by the following program:
Because a call to read( ) could result in an IOException , the ioAction( ) method of the
functional interface MyIOAction must include IOException in a throws clause. Without
it, the program will not compile because the lambda expression will no longer be compat-
ible with ioAction( ) . To prove this, simply remove the throws clause and try compiling
the program. As you will see, an error will result.
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Can a lambda expression use a parameter that is an array?
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