Java Reference
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Here, inStr refers to the string that will be acted on, and outStr will receive the mod-
ified string.
5 . Define a lambda expression that reverses the characters in a string and assign it to a
StringFunc reference. Notice that this is another example of a block lambda.
6 . Call changeStr( ) , passing in the reverse lambda and inStr . Assign the result to out-
Str , and display the result.
Because the first parameter to changeStr( ) is of type StringFunc , the reverse
lambda can be passed to it. Recall that a lambda expression causes an instance of its
target type to be created, which in this case is StringFunc . Thus, a lambda expres-
sion gives you a way to effectively pass a code sequence to a method.
7 . Finish the program by adding lambdas that replace spaces with hyphens and invert
the case of the letters, as shown next. Notice that both of these lambdas are embed-
ded in the call to changeStr( ) , itself, rather than using a separate StringFunc vari-
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