Java Reference
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method is called through the target, the lambda expression is executed. Thus, a lambda ex-
pression gives us a way to transform a code segment into an object.
In the preceding example, the lambda expression becomes the implementation for the
getValue( ) method. As a result, the following displays the value 98.6:
Because the lambda expression assigned to myVal returns the value 98.6, that is the value
obtained when getValue( ) is called.
If the lambda expression takes one or more parameters, then the abstract method in the
functional interface must also take the same number of parameters. For example, here is a
functional interface called MyParamValue , which lets you pass a value to getValue( ) :
You can use this interface to implement the reciprocal lambda shown in the previous sec-
tion. For example:
You can then use myPval like this:
Here, getValue( ) is implemented by the lambda expression referred to by myPval , which
returns the reciprocal of the argument. In this case, 4.0 is passed to getValue( ) , which re-
turns 0.25.
There is something else of interest in the preceding example. Notice that the type of n is
not specified. Rather, its type is inferred from the context. In this case, its type is inferred
from the parameter type of getValue( ) as defined by the MyParamValue interface, which
is double . It is also possible to explicitly specify the type of a parameter in a lambda ex-
pression. For example, this is also a valid way to write the preceding:
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