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you want this method to be able to work properly no matter what type of number each ob-
ject holds. For example, if one object contains the Double value 1.25 and the other object
contains the Float value -1.25, then absEqual( ) would return true. One way to implement
absEqual( ) is to pass it a NumericFns argument, and then compare the absolute value of
that argument against the absolute value of the invoking object, returning true only if the
values are the same. For example, you want to be able to call absEqual( ) , as shown here:
At first, creating absEqual( ) seems like an easy task. Unfortunately, trouble starts as
soon as you try to declare a parameter of type NumericFns . What type do you specify for
NumericFns ' type parameter? At first, you might think of a solution like this, in which T
is used as the type parameter:
Here, the standard method Math.abs( ) is used to obtain the absolute value of each number,
and then the values are compared. The trouble with this attempt is that it will work only
with other NumericFns objects whose type is the same as the invoking object. For ex-
ample, if the invoking object is of type NumericFns<Integer> , then the parameter ob
must also be of type NumericFns<Integer> . It can't be used to compare an object of type
NumericFns<Double> , for example. Therefore, this approach does not yield a general
(i.e., generic) solution.
To create a generic absEqual( ) method, you must use another feature of Java generics:
the wildcard argument . The wildcard argument is specified by the ? , and it represents an
unknown type. Using a wildcard, here is one way to write the absEqual( ) method:
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