Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Remember, you can't start an identifier with a digit. Thus, 12x is invalid, for example.
You cannot use any of the Java keywords as identifier names. Also, you should not use
the name of any standard method, such as println , as an identifier. Beyond these two re-
strictions, good programming practice dictates that you use identifier names that reflect the
meaning or usage of the items being named.
The Java Class Libraries
The sample programs shown in this chapter make use of two of Java's built-in methods:
println( ) and print( ) . These methods are accessed through System.out . System is a class
predefined by Java that is automatically included in your programs. In the larger view, the
Java environment relies on several built-in class libraries that contain many built-in meth-
ods that provide support for such things as I/O, string handling, networking, and graph-
ics. The standard classes also provide support for a graphical user interface (GUI). Thus,
Java as a totality is a combination of the Java language itself, plus its standard classes. As
you will see, the class libraries provide much of the functionality that comes with Java.
Indeed, part of becoming a Java programmer is learning to use the standard Java classes.
Throughout this topic, various elements of the standard library classes and methods are de-
scribed. However, the Java library is something that you will also want to explore more on
your own.
Chapter 1 Self Test
1 . What is bytecode and why is it important to Java's use for Internet programming?
2 . What are the three main principles of object-oriented programming?
3 . Where do Java programs begin execution?
4 . What is a variable?
5 . Which of the following variable names is invalid?
A. count
B. $count
C. count27
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