Java Reference
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Let's look closely at this program. First, MyThread implements Runnable . This means
that an object of type MyThread is suitable for use as a thread and can be passed to the
Thread constructor.
Inside run( ) , a loop is established that counts from 0 to 9. Notice the call to sleep( ) .
The sleep( ) method causes the thread from which it is called to suspend execution for the
specified period of milliseconds. Its general form is shown here:
static void sleep(long milliseconds ) throws InterruptedException
The number of milliseconds to suspend is specified in milliseconds . This method can throw
an InterruptedException . Thus, calls to it must be wrapped in a try block. The sleep( )
method also has a second form, which allows you to specify the period in terms of mil-
liseconds and nanoseconds if you need that level of precision. In run( ) , sleep( ) pauses
the thread for 400 milliseconds each time through the loop. This lets the thread run slow
enough for you to watch it execute.
Inside main( ) , a new Thread object is created by the following sequence of statements:
As the comments suggest, first an object of MyThread is created. This object is then used
to construct a Thread object. This is possible because MyThread implements Runnable .
Finally, execution of the new thread is started by calling start( ) . This causes the child
thread's run( ) method to begin. After calling start( ) , execution returns to main( ) , and it
enters main( ) 's for loop. Notice that this loop iterates 50 times, pausing 100 milliseconds
each time through the loop. Both threads continue running, sharing the CPU in single-CPU
systems, until their loops finish. The output produced by this program is as follows. Be-
cause of differences between computing environments, the precise output that you see may
differ slightly from that shown here:
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