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A : Yes! Another way to convert a numeric string into its internal, binary format is to use
one of the methods defined by the Scanner class, packaged in java.util . Scanner
reads formatted (that is, human-readable) input and converts it into its binary form.
Scanner can be used to read input from a variety of sources, including the console
and files. Therefore, you can use Scanner to read a numeric string entered at the key-
board and assign its value to a variable. Although Scanner contains far too many
features to describe in detail, the following illustrates its basic usage.
To use Scanner to read from the keyboard, you must first create a Scanner linked to
console input. To do this, you will use the following constructor:
Scanner(InputStream from )
This creates a Scanner that uses the stream specified by from as a source for input. You
can use this constructor to create a Scanner linked to console input, as shown here:
This works because is an object of type InputStream . After this line executes,
conin can be used to read input from the keyboard.
Once you have created a Scanner , it is a simple matter to use it to read numeric input.
Here is the general procedure:
1. Determine if a specific type of input is available by calling one of Scanner 's
hasNext X methods, where X is the type of data desired.
2. If input is available, read it by calling one of Scanner 's next X methods.
As the preceding indicates, Scanner defines two sets of methods that enable you to read
input. The first are the hasNext methods. These include methods such as hasNextInt( )
and hasNextDouble( ) , for example. Each of the hasNext methods returns true if the de-
sired data type is the next available item in the data stream, and false otherwise. For ex-
ample, calling hasNextInt( ) returns true only if the next item in the stream is the human-
readable form of an integer. If the desired data is available, you can read it by calling one
of Scanner 's next methods, such as nextInt( ) or nextDouble( ) . These methods convert
the human-readable form of the data into its internal, binary representation and return the
result. For example, to read an integer, call nextInt( ) .
The following sequence shows how to read an integer from the keyboard.
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