Java Reference
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The following program creates a simple disk-to-screen utility that reads a text file called
"test.txt" and displays its contents on the screen. Thus, it is the complement of the key-to-
disk utility shown in the previous section.
In this example, notice that the FileReader is wrapped in a BufferedReader . This gives
it access to readLine( ) . Also, closing the BufferedReader , br in this case, automatically
closes the file.
Ask the Expert
Q :
I have heard about another I/O package called NIO. Can you tell me about it?
A : Originally called New I/O , NIO was added to Java by JDK 1.4. It supports a channel-
based approach to I/O operations. The NIO classes are contained in java.nio and its
subordinate packages, such as java.nio.channels and java.nio.charset .
NIO is built on two foundational items: buffers and channels . A buffer holds data. A
channel represents an open connection to an I/O device, such as a file or a socket. In gen-
eral, to use the new I/O system, you obtain a channel to an I/O device and a buffer to hold
data. You then operate on the buffer, inputting or outputting data as needed.
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