Java Reference
In-Depth Information
One more point about declaring variables before we move on: It is possible to declare
two or more variables using the same declaration statement. Just separate their names by
commas. For example, var1 and var2 could have been declared like this:
Another Data Type
In the preceding program, a variable of type int was used. However, a variable of type
int can hold only whole numbers. Thus, it cannot be used when a fractional component is
required. For example, an int variable can hold the value 18, but not the value 18.3. For-
tunately, int is only one of several data types defined by Java. To allow numbers with frac-
tional components, Java defines two floating-point types: float and double , which repres-
ent single- and double-precision values, respectively. Of the two, double is the most com-
monly used.
To declare a variable of type double , use a statement similar to that shown here:
Here, x is the name of the variable, which is of type double . Because x has a floating-point
type, it can hold values such as 122.23, 0.034, or -19.0.
To better understand the difference between int and double , try the following program:
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