Java Reference
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Here is the output produced by the program:
As the output shows, no matter how the try block is exited, the finally block is executed.
Using throws
In some cases, if a method generates an exception that it does not handle, it must declare
that exception in a throws clause. Here is the general form of a method that includes a
throws clause:
Here, except-list is a comma-separated list of exceptions that the method might throw out-
side of itself.
You might be wondering why you did not need to specify a throws clause for some of
the preceding examples, which threw exceptions outside of methods. The answer is that
exceptions that are subclasses of Error or RuntimeException don't need to be specified
in a throws list. Java simply assumes that a method may throw one. All other types of ex-
ceptions do need to be declared. Failure to do so causes a compile-time error.
Actually, you saw an example of a throws clause earlier in this topic. As you will recall,
when performing keyboard input, you needed to add the clause
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