Java Reference
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At the core of exception handling are try and catch . These keywords work together; you
can't have a catch without a try . Here is the general form of the try / catch exception hand-
ling blocks:
Here, ExcepType is the type of exception that has occurred. When an exception is thrown,
it is caught by its corresponding catch statement, which then processes the exception. As
the general form shows, there can be more than one catch statement associated with a try .
The type of the exception determines which catch statement is executed. That is, if the ex-
ception type specified by a catch statement matches that of the exception, then that catch
statement is executed (and all others are bypassed). When an exception is caught, exOb will
receive its value.
Here is an important point: If no exception is thrown, then a try block ends normally,
and all of its catch statements are bypassed. Execution resumes with the first statement fol-
lowing the last catch . Thus, catch statements are executed only if an exception is thrown.
Beginning with JDK 7, there is another form of the try statement that supports automatic
resource management . This form of try is called try -with-resources . It is described in
Chapter 10 , in the context of managing I/O streams (such as those connected to a file) be-
cause streams are some of the most commonly used resources.
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