Java Reference
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In this program, t2 is constructed from t1 and is, thus, identical. The output is shown
Pay special attention to this Triangle constructor:
It receives an object of type Triangle and it passes that object (through super ) to this
TwoDShape constructor:
The key point is that TwoDshape( ) is expecting a TwoDShape object. However, Tri-
angle( ) passes it a Triangle object. The reason this works is because, as explained, a su-
perclass reference can refer to a subclass object. Thus, it is perfectly acceptable to pass
TwoDShape( ) a reference to an object of a class derived from TwoDShape . Because the
TwoDShape( ) constructor is initializing only those portions of the subclass object that are
members of TwoDShape , it doesn't matter that the object might also contain other mem-
bers added by derived classes.
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