Java Reference
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Here, Triangle 's constructor initializes the members of TwoDClass that it inherits along
with its own style field.
When both the superclass and the subclass define constructors, the process is a bit more
complicated because both the superclass and subclass constructors must be executed. In
this case, you must use another of Java's keywords, super , which has two general forms.
The first calls a superclass constructor. The second is used to access a member of the su-
perclass that has been hidden by a member of a subclass. Here, we will look at its first use.
Using super to Call Superclass Constructors
A subclass can call a constructor defined by its superclass by use of the following form of
super :
super( parameter-list );
Here, parameter-list specifies any parameters needed by the constructor in the superclass.
super( ) must always be the first statement executed inside a subclass constructor. To see
how super( ) is used, consider the version of TwoDShape in the following program. It
defines a constructor that initializes width and height .
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