Java Reference
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Q :
Since binary is based on powers of two, can the shift operators be used as a
shortcut for multiplying or dividing an integer by two?
A : Yes. The bitwise shift operators can be used to perform very fast multiplication or di-
vision by two. A shift left doubles a value. A shift right halves it.
Try This 5-3 A ShowBits Class
This project creates a class called ShowBits that enables you to display in binary the bit
pattern for any integer value. Such a class can be quite useful in programming. For ex-
ample, if you are debugging device-driver code, then being able to monitor the data stream
in binary is often a benefit.
1. Create a file called .
2. Begin the ShowBits class as shown here:
ShowBits creates objects that display a specified number of bits. For example, to cre-
ate an object that will display the low-order 8 bits of some value, use
The number of bits to display is stored in numbits .
3. To actually display the bit pattern, ShowBits provides the method show( ) , which is
shown here:
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