Java Reference
In-Depth Information
4. The put( ) method, which stores elements, is shown next:
The method begins by checking for a queue-full condition. If putloc is equal to one
past the last location in the q array, there is no more room in which to store elements.
Otherwise, the new element is stored at that location and putloc is incremented.
Thus, putloc is always the index where the next element will be stored.
5. To retrieve elements, use the get( ) method, shown next:
Notice first the check for queue-empty. If getloc and putloc both index the same ele-
ment, the queue is assumed to be empty. This is why getloc and putloc were both
initialized to zero by the Queue constructor. Then, the next element is returned. In
the process, getloc is incremented. Thus, getloc always indicates the location of the
next element to be retrieved.
6. Here is the entire program:
Search WWH ::

Custom Search