Java Reference
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Thus, within a method, there is no need to specify the object a second time. This means
that fuelcap and mpg inside range( ) implicitly refer to the copies of those variables found
in the object that invokes range( ) .
Returning from a Method
In general, there are two conditions that cause a method to return—first, as the range(
) method in the preceding example shows, when the method's closing curly brace is en-
countered. The second is when a return statement is executed. There are two forms of re-
turn —one for use in void methods (those that do not return a value) and one for returning
values. The first form is examined here. The next section explains how to return values.
In a void method, you can cause the immediate termination of a method by using this
form of return :
return ;
When this statement executes, program control returns to the caller, skipping any remaining
code in the method. For example, consider this method:
Here, the for loop will only run from 0 to 5, because once i equals 5, the method returns.
It is permissible to have multiple return statements in a method, especially when there are
two or more routes out of it. For example:
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