Database Reference
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SLA issues and must wait to be informed by the customer about serious performance issues. Finally, the
customer doesn't know how its internal SLA measures compare to other customers running the same
ERP product.
Azure Implementation
The monitoring provider has created an enhanced version of its monitoring system and includes an
optional cloud storage option, in which the monitoring service can forward performance events in a
centrally located database in the cloud. The monitoring provider has decided to implement an
asynchronous smart branching pattern so that events can be stored in a SQL Azure database.
Figure 2-16 shows the implementation architecture that lets the monitoring service store data in a
cloud database. Each monitoring service can now store SLA metrics in the cloud in addition to the local
auditing database. Finally, the local auditing database is an option that customers may choose not to
install. To support this feature, the monitoring provider has decided to implement a queuing
mechanism in case the link to SQL Azure becomes unavailable.
Figure 2-16. Azure monitoring implementation
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